Associate lawyer at Fleischmann & Román Abogados since 2019.
Previously, he worked as an associate lawyer in the litigation and arbitration group of Aninat Schwencke & Cia. (2017-2019) and as an associate at Jordán Barahona & Cía. (2015-2017), in civil, commercial and arbitration litigation.
He is part of the litigation and arbitration team of the Firm. His practice focuses mainly on the areas of litigation and arbitration of high complexity in civil, commercial and construction matters.
Benjamín is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Magna Cum Laude (2015). At the same university he worked as an assistant of the courses "Arbitration" (2015-2017), "Due Process: application in civil litigation, arbitration and Free Competition" (2017) and the course "Arbitration and dispute resolution", which It is part of the diploma of "Litigation and new procedures" (2015). Professor of procedural law at the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez.
From the year 2018 he is assistant of Procedural Law at Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile.
He is co-author in the article “Some considerations on the proof of intent in the civil process” and was co-author in the book "Recurso de Casación. Comentarios de Jusrisprudencia", (Rubicón, 2021).
Diploma in Construction Law at the Universidad de Los Andes (2019).
He is a member of the Chilean Bar Association A.G., where he is member of the Young Lawyers Commission.
Languages: Spanish and English.
Telephone: 56-2-3220 9600